6 Surprising Ways To Naturally BOOST Your Testosterone!

The age at which your testosterone levels peak 30, the age at which your testosterone levels start to plummet less. Actually, there is no, unless it’s a fact, 30 years old, your testosterone level starts to go down.

The good news is that today’s, video is sponsored by the National Pork Board and together we’re, going over six natural ways to boost your testosterone level. So as a dude, we love testosterone, it’s.

Awesome. It’s. Our thing it makes us feel good. It makes our muscles big and strong. It makes our sex drive sexy, but as we age, our natural testosterone levels in the amount that our bodies are producing start to slide a little bit.

But today guys, I want to talk to you and share with you six surprising things that can naturally help you maintain a healthy testosterone level, starting with number wall sex have more sex. I gotta talk to the gentleman spicy senorita, so here’s.

The deal sexual activity has actually been shown to increase testosterone levels, not only in men but in women as well. There was this study crazy study where they took heterosexual couples for 11 nights after they got freaky and they measured their testosterone levels in their saliva.

But they also measured it on 11 nights. They didn’t get freaky and what they found is that, on the nights, all 11 nights that they got freaky both men and women, their testosterone levels were actually increased.

No, no key meant testosterone levels were actually down which led them to believe that it’s. Actually, sex that increases testosterone as opposed to testosterone that increases sex. The takeaway is that having sex more often increases your testosterone level number two, the Sun.

Technically it’s, vitamin d3. I would like to give vitamin D a little alpha and knuckle bump or being awesome. The reason vitamin D is so awesome is that it does a lot of incredible things for us in our bodies.

Not only does it help with the absorption of calcium, but making our bones strong vitamin D also helps increase and maintain healthy testosterone levels. There was a study they took a bunch of dudes and for 12 months they gave them 3,000 eyes a vitamin D a day.

At the end of the 12 months, their testosterone levels on average were 25 % higher. Third, a natural way to boost your testosterone levels is to eat. A well-balanced, healthy diet. We eat daily, which is critical to us not only maintaining a healthy weight because research is also shown that if your body fat gets too high, your testosterone level is actually gonna start to drop.

You need to make sure you’re eating the good fat omega 3, 6, and 9 green leafy vegetables, full of incredible nutrients and a diet that is high in lean, delicious protein, and it doesn’t, get any more delicious than poor.

Gentlemen, here is the deal: if you’re, not eating pork, you are totally missing out on a deliciously nutritious, not to mention lean protein source. Pork is packed full of incredible vitamins and nutrients, including thiamine, vitamin b6 phosphorus, and niacin, not to mention potassium riboflavin and zinc.

Zinc is another one of those nutrients, guys that is so vital and important to us maintaining a healthy testosterone level. One of the reasons that I love pork, so much and incorporated it into my weekly diet is not only is it delicious and nutritious.

It is super lean and packed with protein. Pork tenderloin only has 122 calories per three ounces and contains 22 grams of powerpack protein per serving something you probably didn’t know is that pork tenderloin is actually leaner than skinless chicken breast once serving a slice of pork.

Tenderloin has 2.9 8 grams of fat skinless chicken breast has 3.03. Something else you probably didn’t know is that pork is most delicious when cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees up to over-cooking pork.

It is most delicious, most flavorful, most incredible when it’s cooked to an internal temperature of a hundred and forty-five degrees. It’s, totally safe, totally moist and crazy, ridiculous, delicious corporate more pork into your healthy diet.

It’s delicious it’s nutritious than it is power-packed with protein to help you maintain a super healthy body, fat percentage, which will, in turn, help you and your testosterone level go as high as well.

Gentlemen is a link down below to port org. Slash cooking to learn more number, four get more sleep, so this is this uncomfortable for you to exactly alright. So there was this study done a crazy study where they took all of these super healthy dudes that had normal testosterone levels.

Well, they restricted the amount that they slept to five hours, but they found is that these sleep-deprived dudes had a decrease in their daytime testosterone levels by ten to fifteen percent. What does this mean to you and me? Well, this basically means that you need seven to nine hours of solid slumber.

Every night you’ve got to make sure you were getting quality sleep. This means you got to shut it down a little bit earlier. This means you got to prepare your sleeping temple to maximize your sleeping efficiency.

This means make it dark, make it cool and make it comfortable number five lift weights. Gentlemen: resistance training is one of the most effective ways to boost your testosterone level. Naturally, research has shown that dudes that exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels than people or dudes that don’t.

There was also another fascinating study that took obese men and their. Like oh, obese. Men typically have lower testosterone levels, but what they did was they took him to the gym, and these dudes start to lift weights.

They also had some other dudes who are obese, start eating healthier and losing some weight. What they found is that the obese dudes that were lifting weights had higher testosterone levels than dudes that just died it and lost weight coincidence.

Hell no gentlemen: you got to get your ass moving. There is nothing that will change your life increase your testosterone level and make you feel like a rock star, like lifting weights, just realize something.

Lifting weights also helps you with the six natural ways to boost your testosterone level, which is to chill out. Gentlemen, when you are super stressed out, you’re, all pissed off or you’re just under a lot of stress gentlemen, what happens exactly our body releases cortisol, which is bad Saul, is the stress hormone.

It is bad. It wreaks havoc on your body. It also wreaks havoc on your testosterone levels. Research has shown that even slight elevations of cortisol in your body can have dramatic, decreasing effects on your incredible test.

The dress will kill you, you got to get it under control. You’ve got to learn to manage it. This is one of the reasons why I exercise so much because it helps me chill out and manage the stress. Also, if you hate your job, life is too short to be miserable.

Seven, eight-nine hours a day guys it’s, not worth it, because you’re worth it, and so if this means you got to find another job if this means you’ve got to start putting the pieces in place to finally leave that career that makes you miserable, gentlemen, do it, you are amazing and you are definitely worth it, and your testosterone depends on it and once again, this video was sponsored by the National Pork Board.


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