6 Most Common Causes Of Low Energy In Men

Hey guys, my name is dr. Sam and in this video, I wanted to talk about the top six causes of low libido and Men, and explain the simple next steps I use to help my patients. Recently I made a video on low libido and women and if you want to check that out, I’ll link it up here, but because of that video.

A few of you have asked me to talk about low libido and men or a man’s. Low sex drive / sexual interest. In fact, many guys understand that libido drops over their lifetime, but don’t know what a normal libido should feel like at their age.

As a doctor, I see more and more patients complaining of low sex drive and I wanted to share with you what I recommend to my patients first line. So hopefully it might help you as well quickly what is a normal libido for men.

Okay, if ever there was a really hard question for me to answer this – that there is no normal libido for men, as there is no specific way to measure it. It’s completely up to the individual. For example, I’ve seen patients who described themselves as having low libido when they only want sex three times a week instead of five times a week, other mean that do not have sex for eight months, but a happier with the libido.

So, firstly just know low libido is extremely subjective. However, there are some very common causes of low libido and mean number one low, testosterone, okay, so extremely predictable. But testosterone is a crucial hormone involved in sex drive.

I don’t mean are considered to have low testosterone or low T when their levels fall below 300 nanograms per deciliter. I’ll talk about this more in a minute in regards to testing. If you don’t know what your levels are.

Also certain medical conditions like sleep apnea, which is when you’re breathing, repeatedly stop in starts during sleep. This is associated with lower testosterone number two medications. There is a whole heap of medications that can middle with your libido, usually because they lower your testosterone.

Examples of problem pills are antidepressants blood pressure, pills, and pain. Relievers I’ll link the rest in the description below. If you are taking a suspect medication, I talk with your doctor first before stopping it, as there will be alternatives to your current medication that you could try and sted number 3 depression.

People who have depression experienced a reduced or complete lack of interest in things they once found pleasurable, including sex. If you are worried about taking an antidepressant medication that may worsen your libido, another medicine called the appropriate may be a good choice, but talk with your doctor.

First, about this, or you might want to consider, psychotherapy counseling instead of a medication or together, number 4 chronic illness, chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease and obesity contribute to sex being more difficult due to other factors like physical pain or even a reptile dysfunction.

I try to advise my patients to think about what those factors are that are causing the restriction and then treating those symptoms. Number 5 exercise. So this is surprising even to me as a doctor, but extreme endurance training can decrease your libido and mean.

However, on the flip side, moderate exercise is known to lower cortisol levels at night and reduce stress which can help increase sex drive. So just try to keep the balance right, number, 6, stress, and anxiety.

I know I’ll, be stating the obvious, but when you are under high stress or pressure, your sexual desire will decrease. This is because stress, disrupts hormones and the body, of course, stress can be very hard to avoid, but it’s, important to be honest with yourself in your partner about what you’re experiencing so that you can plan together how to Improve your libido! So what can you do next for low libido? My personal recommendation to figure out what is going on is to get your hormone levels checked now in today’s world.

It is especially difficult to see a doctor to even get a blood test, or even if you have enough time to make an appointment, there is the risk that the doctor will decline. Your request, for whatever reason I used to have a lot of sympathy for guys coming in wanting to get a blood test below the beat, oh because I would want to help them find what the cause was.

But not every doctor is like this well. Luckily, I have the perfect solution for you, which brings me to talk about today’s, sponsor for this video I partnered with the guys over at least let’s, get checked which do at-home lab testing.

This is so brilliant. Basically, you go online order. The tests that you want. They deliver the kit directly to your door. Usually overnight and after you post it back. You can see your results online in about two to five days.

What & # 39? S really awesome is that it’s, so convenient and confidential. They deliver it discreetly. So you get a prepaid shipping label inside and it’s super simple: to collect the blood sample. You just basically prep the side of your finger with a Lancet first thing in the morning and once you send it off, the tests are analyzed at the same labs that your family doctor orders their lab tests from, and there’s.

A dedicated team of doctors and nurses will help explain the results and provide treatments to you if needed. I’m just so disappointed. This is a New Zealand. Yet we really need it here so which test should you go for? They have quite a comprehensive panel of tests that you can order, which is excellent.

If you just want to know what your testosterone level is ordered, the basic test, but I tend to recommend the male hormone advanced panel, because it tests for prolactin and the reason for this is because you want to rule out a prolactin comma, which is a common type of pituitary tumor that can cause a low testosterone level.

If you want to support my channel, please go to try LG c-calm forward, slash Bailey, and if you check out with coupon code, Bailey 20, you’ll get 20 % off, which is quite a nice wee bonus. I’ll. Put the URL in the description and I’ll pin it in the top comment.

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